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Rec.Space is a theatre company that focuses  on interactive theatre practices and engages with political topics.

We aim to  use our personal experiences and current political events to create intimate moments for the audience that allows them to interact and experience theatre in a different way. 





Musician and Programmer


Simone is a theatre director trained at the Guildford School of Acting. She completed her undergrad studies at Ludwig Maximilian University and worked as an assistant director at Residenztheater in Munich. Her focus lies on new experimental theatre that often involves new technology or untraditional theatre spaces.She is the director and co-founder of Rec.Space

Adam composes music, and programs video game controllers to work as musical instruments. He has a degree in Creative Music Technology from the University of Surrey, as well as the School of Arts Ableton Prize for Live Performance, awarded for his work with 3D motion tracking. Within Rec.Space, Adam works on the sound and music, occasionally pushing them into the realms of interactivity.
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